The time for the initial remote call ( retrieving all languages) grows, as does the memory requirements for the cache. 初始远程调用(检索所有的语言)的时间增加了,同样,缓存需要的内存也增加了。
Acts as the point of entry for an initial call. 作为初始调用的入口点。
The problem is that even though the code handles the case in which the initial GetFieldID() doesn't return the field ID, it does not clear the exception that this call would set. 问题在于,尽管代码处理了初始GetFieldID()未返回字段ID的情况,但它并未清除此调用将设置的异常。
Initial execution begins with a call of cf-execd – F from cron or the command line. 最初的执行开始于从cron或命令行调用cf-execd–F。
It also sets the initial count to the values specified in the call. 它还将初始值设置为调用中指定的值。
To choose between creating the initial form and initiating a call with servers, we need to check to see if the form variables are set 要在创建初始表单和使用服务器启动呼叫之间进行选择,我们需要查看是否设置了表单变量
On the initial Web page, enter the addresses and ports of the two UAS applications and then press create call. 在初始网页上,输入两个UAS应用程序的地址和端口,然后按createcall。
If multiple threads attempt to lock a semaphore after the initial call above, they block and their requests are queued until the pthread_mutex_unlock call is performed. 如果多个线程在完成上面的初始调用后尝试锁定信号量,则这些线程会被阻塞,它们的请求进入队列,直到执行pthreadmutexunlock调用。
Often the initial topology does not call for another intermediary, so this becomes a good choice. 通常,最初的拓扑结构并不要求另外的中介,因此这成为了一个好的选择。
It is very easy to miss the initial sound of an incoming message or a phone call. 这是很容易错过最初的声音一传入邮件或电话。
Responses to this initial call for papers will assist the organizers in estimating the likely number of participants, so that this information can be provided to prospective funding institutions. 阁下即时的回应将有助我们估计参加会议的人数,以便寻找及联络相关的资助机构。
And we've also assumed an initial time, which usually we can just call zero. 还假定了一个初始时间,初始时间一般都可以设成零。
How to select the information for the initial sales call. 如何为初次拜访选择信息。
The announcement followed an earlier report by the Financial Times that China had rejected the fleet's initial request for a port call. 在宣布这一改变之前,英国《金融时报》曾报道称,中国拒绝了该舰队最初的入港请求。
How to make initial sales call. 如何作初次拜访。
Nevertheless, much more has to be done to turn over the simplification of deism and this work is therefore an initial attempt to call attention to and deepen the related research work. 但是,要扭转对自然神论的认识,还需要进一步的专门研究,本文是这方面的一个尝试。
I throw it up with a certain v initial speed, v call it v0, I don't care and the horizontal component would never change. 我以一定的,初速度,向上扔-,称之为v0,无所谓-,水平分量不会改变。
The prognosis of 173 child cases of initial grand mal epilepsy with abnormal peri-natal period were studied by door to door call to their parents. 作者对有围产期异常史的173例首次癫痫样大发作儿童进行了预后随访研究。